About TimeOfCare.com

Mission: To empower health care providers (physicians, residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners) to provide fast, efficient, and excellent health care in the outpatient (clinic) and inpatient setting.

Vision: We envision a comprehensive resource that is providing evidenced-based assessment and plans for 99% of diagnoses encountered in the outpatient and inpatient setting, in a format that is suitable for simply copying and pasting into the assessment and plan section of the note and then editing.

Before you criticize this approach, read more.

-We write the A&P as though the patient has been seen in the clinic that day. For example, it may say, “We will order… (and list labs that are recommended). This makes it easy for you to copy and paste into your note and then delete what hasn’t been done and edit as needed.
-It will enable you not to miss anything.
-References will be placed at the bottom of the page in case you need to look them up.
-This is going to be an online resource that is updated regularly.

**If you are like me, you have used the printed or ebook edition of helpful books like Pocket Medicine and Pocket Primary Care, etc. The problem is that by the time they are published, the data is at least 2 years old. By the time a new edition comes up again 2 to 5 years later, your book is ancient. I’ve experienced this problem first hand.

**Also, the TimeOfCare.com is written with a focus on assessments and plans geared toward office visits or hospital encounters.

** Information covering etiology, pathogenesis, and other detailed explanation is provided as links to different pages on the site for further study for those interested.

Reverse Engineering

Many popular quick reference sources give you information from definition, epidemiology and etiology, pathogenesis and so forth and many don’t mention documentation during the patient encounter. In a sense, it’s from Facts >>>>>> Documentation. We present things differently and feel that it helps make things easier to quickly access and review during or right before an encounter. We present the documentation and then either link to the facts or present them afterwords in case you need a review. Thinking through a patient encounter from the point of view of documenting it helps force one to think through things effectively.