Book Chapter in Time of Care

Time of Care is designed to create content to help providers at the time of care. Each book chapter is made up of three main sections: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Background. The chapters are arranged in a way that most physicians think when a patient is in front of them. This happens to be also how most doctors write patient notes as well as how many outpatient and inpatient EHR templates guide the workflow during a clinic visit.

By doing so, the chapters can easily be used while the practitioner is sitting in front of the patient as an unintrusive guide to the patient care at the time of care. I know many doctors who invite the patient to share the screen with them as they use a time of care book chapter online both as a guide to patient education and also as a way to remind themselves so that they don’t miss anything. Many report patients being very happy that they were included in the decision-making process and everything was explained to them.

The provider would invite the patient to a computer screen or iPad or similar device in the clinic, ER, or hospital room and go through it (just as one would a powerpoint presentation) from top to bottom. In this way, this becomes a great patient education tool as well as an excellent time of care aid for the provider. The content is also written in a way that after briefly going through it with the patient, the provider may modify and use our sample assessment and plans for their encounter. This is a patient-centered approach to delivering care that is both efficient, thorough, and makes note writing quick and easy.

The following is the format or template for a book chapter in Time of Care. Compare it with book chapters in other books written for the time of care.

The Book Chapter

To make this possible, we use hyperlinks so that the note isn’t too busy. Note that the book chapter is written in a modified SOAP format with the following main elements: 1) Diagnosis, 2) Treatment, and sometimes, 3) Background

How is the diagnosis made?*
H&P (Pertinent H&P findings including med review & key vital signs)
-Common presentation:
-Clinical Manifestations:
-Associated Conditions:

-Risk factors:
-Red flags:
Ddx & Etiology:
Diagnostic studies:
Assess severity/acuity:
Treatment options, med s/e, and complications.
-Pharmacological therapies.
-Indications for a referral.
-Follow up.

Sample Assessment & Plan


*How is the diagnosis made? In one short sentence, describe how the diagnosis is made; Common presentation: Case vignette highlighting the clinical problem, preferably from a real patient I’ve seen.

How to write a chapter for the Time of Care book

If you are a provider and would like to contribute a book chapter to the time of care book, please email

Residents may contribute, however, they will need an attending to work on the chapter with them.