t + 30 means a lab or something to be done in 30 days. t=today

To search a patient, use the format: Last Name, First Name. You may use the first 3 letters of the last name, first three letters of the first name. You may also use the patient’s DOB, ID, etc to search. For DOB, use say MM/DD/YYYY format or MM/DD/YYYY

To create a telephone encounter, search the patient as above and go into their chart. When in their chart, go to the top right-hand corner and click on the dropdown and select Create Patient Case. At the bottom, you will have to simple Save it or Save & Add Orders. If you want to order any meds, labs, etc with the telephone encounter, then you should select Save & Add Orders.

Create Order Group: This option allows you to create orders when the chart has been closed. Say, for example, an attending physician saw a patient and completed the chart and closed it. Then she realizes that she needs to order one more thing. The Order Group is the way to go in that case.

Change the patient’s pharmacy: To change the patient’s pharmacy, open their chart, and go to the top left-hand corner where you see their photo, name, DOB, and patient ID. Click on the two down arrows to open the drop-down menu. Scroll down to the pharmacy and an “X” will appear on the right-hand side. Click that “X” to delete that pharmacy and add a new one.
