Treat high-risk wounds with antibiotics.

High-Risk Wounds

“Factors associated with a high risk include:

  • a bite on an extremity with underlying venous and/or lymphatic compromise,
  • a bite involving the hand,
  • a bite near or in a prosthetic joint,
  • cat bites,
  • crush injuries,
  • delayed presentation,
  • puncture wounds,
  • underlying diabetes mellitus,
  • immunosuppression. A Cochrane review of nine trials showed no statistical difference in infection rates between prophylaxis and no treatment, except when the bite wound was on the hand. The role of tetanus and rabies prophylaxis should be considered on a case-by-case basis. The other factors listed do not influence whether or not an antibiotic should be prescribed (SOR B).” ABFM critique.


Further Reading/ Reference
Dog and cat bites. Am Fam Physician 2014;90(4):239-243.
