CIWA-Ar objectifies alcohol withdrawal severity to help guide therapy. It assigns points to each of the 10 criteria. Points are added to get a total score that indicates the degree of withdrawal.

Score Withdrawal Level
≤8 Absent or minimal withdrawal
9-15 Mild withdrawal
16-20 Moderate withdrawal
>20 Severe withdrawal

“The possible range of score is 0–67. A score of 8 points or less indicates mild withdrawal and patients scoring less than 10 do not usually need additional medication for withdrawal. A score of 9 to 15 points indicates moderate withdrawal. A score greater than 15 points indicates severe withdrawal.”

CIWA-Ar online calculator.

Note: Some sources use the cut-off scores for absent or minimal symptoms as < 8; mild symptoms as 8-15; and the same moderate and severe withdrawal ranges as above.



Bakhla AK, Khess CRJ, Verma V, Hembram M, Praharaj SK, Soren S. Factor Structure of CIWA-Ar in Alcohol Withdrawal. Journal of Addiction. 2014;2014:745839.