Q: Do I need backup protection?

A patient just got a Mirena IUD put in on the last day of her menses which started 5 days ago. A pregnancy test is negative. She asks, do I need a backup plan? The answer is NO. If a pt gets Mirena put in within 7 days of her LMP, she doesn’t need back up. If after 7 days, she needs a backup for 7 days.

Check for the others methods.

Q: What is the most effective method of natural family planning?
Answer: Cervical mucus monitoring

It is more effective than:
Calendar calculation
Basal body temperature charting
Monitoring of urine estrogen metabolites
Coitus interruptus (withdrawal)

Monitoring the presence and consistency of cervical mucus production allows for the determination of both the beginning and end of a woman’s most fertile period. Some people using natural family planning use cervical mucus monitoring in combination with others like calendar calculation and basal body temperature charting.
