Procedure Name: Excision
Indication: Pain, risk of infection
Location: ***
Pre-Procedure Diagnosis: ***
Post-Procedure Diagnosis: ***, removed
Informed consent: Procedure, alternate treatment options, risks, and benefits were thoroughly explained to the patient and informed consent was obtained before the procedure started.

An appropriate timeout was performed. The area was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Local anesthesia achieved with  *** cc of  Lidocaine 1% ***with/without epinephrine.  An elliptical incision was made and the lesion excised. The wound was copiously irrigated. Silver nitrate chemical cautery was done and four interrupted stitches were placed using 4-0 nylon. Estimated blood loss was less than 1cc. The site was cleaned and antibiotic ointment was placed. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Patient counseled about wound care, when to call us or go to the ED, and when to come in for removal of stitches.
