-The most common joint to be dislocated,
-Over 90% dislocating anteriorly.
-MOA of anterior dislocation: The injury typically occurs as a result of forced external rotation when the arm is abducted.
Presentation of anterior dislocation: “On presentation, there is a loss of normal contour of the shoulder and the arm is typically held in an abducted and externally rotated position. Associated findings may include injury to the axillary nerve (loss of sensation over the lateral shoulder), axillary artery (diminished radial pulse on the ipsilateral side), rotator cuff (tear), or humerus (Hill-Sachs deformities, Bankart lesions, other fractures).” ABFM critique.

Posterior dislocation presentation:  “In posterior shoulder dislocations the arm is held adducted and internally rotated”


Important Shoulder Dislocation Links


Further Reading

Acute shoulder injuries in adults. Am Fam Physician 2016;94(2):119-127.
