The first 2 weeks to 1 month: Until your milk supply is well established and the baby is gaining weight–usually 2 weeks–feed the baby whenever he cries or seems hungry. This is called demand feeding. This would usually be about every 1.5hrs to 2hrs.
-When your baby is 1-month-old and your milk supply is in, he can eat enough in one sitting to allow him to eat every 2 to 2.5 hrs.
-If your baby cries at any time and you are convinced that he is hungry, feed him. If not, rock and comfort him.
-Don’t let the baby go for more than 3hrs without eating during the day. Wake him up if he’s sleeping. During the night, you can allow one 5-hour interval if the baby is sleeping.
-Baby has to nurse 8 or more times per day initially to gain adequate weight.
-2 months and up: The guidelines for formula feedings per day also generally apply for breastfeeding children. However,  feed your baby anytime you are convinced that he is hungry.
-Look for hunger cues which include lip smacking, rooting, or crying.
