Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13) – Prevnar
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) – Pneumovax

Read PPSV23 vaccination for children with conditions that weaken their immune system or make them at risk for serious infection.


Immunization side effects

MMR slightly increases the risk of a febrile seizure for up to 2 weeks after the shot.

Q: Which 12-month vaccine will slightly increase the child’s risk of a febrile seizure for up to 2 weeks after administration? Answer: MMR.
This risk is higher in children who have have a past history of seizures or a family history of epilepsy in a first degree relative.

“Fever and febrile seizures may occur after administration of several vaccines. Postimmunization seizures, especially febrile seizures, occur at a higher rate in children who have a past history of seizures or a first-degree relative with a history of seizures. The benefits of the vaccines outweigh the risks, so they are not contraindicated in this situation, although the parents need to be cautioned about the increased risk of seizure.

Of the vaccines listed, the only one likely to put the child at risk for a seizure up to 2 weeks after administration is the MMR vaccine. Specifically, it is the measles component of the vaccine that is the potential culprit. A temperature of 39.4°C (103°F) or higher develops in approximately 5%–15% of susceptible vaccine recipients, usually 6–12 days after receipt of MMR vaccine. The fever generally lasts 1–2 days but may last up to 5 days.” ABFM


Possible side-effects from vaccines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, 2013.
