• USPSTF recommends universal lipid screening in adults aged 40 to 75 and tx of HLD if certain criteria are met. “The USPSTF recommends that adults without a history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) (ie, symptomatic coronary artery disease or ischemic stroke) use a low- to moderate-dose statin for the prevention of CVD events and mortality when all of the following criteria are met: 1) they are aged 40 to 75 years; 2) they have 1 or more CVD risk factors (ie, dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, or smoking); and 3) they have a calculated 10-year risk of a cardiovascular event of 10% or greater. Identification of dyslipidemia and calculation of 10-year CVD event risk requires universal lipids screening in adults aged 40 to 75 years.” For Children and adolescents 20 years or younger, the USPSTF says the evidence is insufficient.
  • AHA/ACC suggests considering screening in children as young as age 2. Children who have a positive screen may not need medication, but getting them started on healthy behaviors when they’re young can make a difference in their lifetime risk.
  • The AAP recommends getting screening lipid panel between 9-11 years of age and 17-21 years of age. They recommend risk assessment to be done with appropriate action to follow, if positive, as early as 2 years of age.




