How to do a Musculoskeletal Exam for Sports Physical

Physical Exam(PE) steps.
The physical examination should focus on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

  1. Please stand with arms at the sides facing me. I want to check for symmetry of your body from head to toes do a visual exam.
  2. Look at the ceiling, next look at the floor. Touch your right ear to your right shoulder and look over the right shoulder. Do the same with your left ear and left shoulder. You should be able to touch chin to chest, ears to shoulders and look equally over the shoulders. Common abnormalities, which include loss of flexion, loss of lateral bending and loss of rotation, may indicate previous neck injury.
  3. Continue to stand in front of me with your arms at the side. I will try to hold your shoulders down while you try to shrug. Common abnormalities include atrophy or weakness of muscles indicating shoulder, neck or trapezius nerve abnormalities.
  4. Hold your arms out from sides horizontally and tries to lift them. I am going to hold and be pushing your arms down.  The strength should be equal in both arms, and deltoid muscles should be equal in size. I will consider it abnormal if there is any loss of strength or wasting of your deltoid muscles.
  5. See the rest of the steps here>>