Date of Admission:

Chief Complaint:

History of Present Illness:  Start with one-liner. E.g. “2 year old admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of croup.” Your one-liner should express what you think the diagnosis is.

Then continue and give a supporting HPI with pertinent positives and end with pertinent negatives.

Past Medical History: None

Birth history: Born in Montreal, FT, 2 days, weighed 6.5 lbs. No complications

Development: Smiles, coos, lifts head when prone

Diet: Nestle 150mL q 4 hours

Immunizations: UTD

Past Surgical History: None

Allergies: NKDA


Family History: Non-contributory

Social History: [Include where and with whom child lives, exposure to smoke, peds, day care, etc).E.g.

Lives with parents and sibblings. No smoke exposure and no pets. Goes to daycare a few weeks ago.

Review of Systems: All 10 systems reviewed negative except as stated  in HPI

Physical Examination:

Vital Signs:

Gen: No acute distress, awake. Smiling.

HEENT: NC/AT AFOSF, Red reflex present bilaterally, normal external ears and canal, normal mouth and throat

Neck: Supple

CVS: Normal S1 S2, no murmurs, RRR, symmetric brachial and femoral pulses

Lungs: CTAB, no retractions, no W/R/R

Abd: Soft NT ND good BS

GU: normal female external genitalia, patent anus

MSK: FROM, normal Galeazzi, Ortolani, and Barlow exam, no sacral dimple

Skin: No rashes or lesions

Laboratory Data:

Imaging Studies:

Assessment & Plan

3.5 mo female, previously healthy, now with suspected pyelonephritis

Problem List

1. Pyelonephritis



Continue treatment with cefotaxime 50mg/kgq 6 hours

Urine culture added to UA this AM, follow up on result


VCUG pending RUS results

Continue IVF till PO improves

Tylenol prn fever

Add Bcx if not in lab (will follow up)

