I use the following postpartum note for uncomplicated vaginal deliveries. I simply copy and paste in TraceVue (our OB EHR) and then edit. If there are any complications, see here.


Pt doing well. Pain is well controlled with meds. Afebrile. No chills.
Scant/normal lochia. Voiding. Up and walking.
Eating regular diet. No N/V. Passing gas. No BM yet.
Breastfeeding without difficulty.
No Complaints

VSS, Afebrile
Heart: RRR, No m/r/g. No thrills or heaves.
Lungs: CTAB
Abdomen: Firm fundus, at umbilicus. Soft abd NT. Normal BS.
Normal lochia
Extremities: No edema,cyanosis, clubbing
Hgb / HCT:

24-year-old G2P2 @ 37 weeks, PPD#1
Pt doing well. Afebrile. No chills. VSS. Tolerating diet.
Prenatal labs: WNL
Breastfeeding without difficulty
Birth control method:  To be decided at 6wk f/u
Uncomplicated postpartum course.

Routine postpartum care.
D/C tomorrow to f/u in 4-6 wks.

Discharge Medications

Ibuprofen 600mg po q6h prn pain. Max of 3 doses / 24hr.
