The FHS-7 Tool

One positive response initiates referral. Did any of your first-degree relatives have breast or ovarian cancer? Did any of your relatives have bilateral breast cancer? Did any man in your family have breast cancer? Did any woman in your family have breast and ovarian...

Pedigree Assessment Tool

A score of ≥8 is the optimum referral threshold. Risk Factor Score† Breast cancer at age ≥50 y 3 Breast cancer at age <50 y 4 Ovarian cancer at any age 5 Male breast cancer at any age 8 Ashkenazi Jewish heritage 4 † For every family member with a breast or ovarian...

The Referral Screening Tool

 A patient completes the checklist if she has a family history of breast or ovarian cancer and receives a referral if she checks ≥2 items. Risk Factor Breast Cancer at Age ≤50 y Ovarian Cancer at Any Age Yourself Mother Sister Daughter Mother’s side Grandmother...

Ontario Family History Assessment Tool

The Ontario Family History Assessment Tool Risk Factor Points Breast and ovarian cancer Mother 10 Sibling 7 Second-/third-degree relative 5 Breast cancer relative Parent 4 Sibling 3 Second-/third-degree relative 2 Male relative (add to above) 2 Breast cancer...