Prevent itching and xerosis (dry skin)
Take steps to reduce dry skin, which worsens itching.
-Avoid skin irritants (e.g. wool, fiberglass, and detergents) which irritate the skin and increase pruritus.
-Cool environment (lower temperature);
-Reduce stress;
-Avoid scratching (perpetual itch-scratch cycle);
-Use of a humidifier to increase the relative humidity of indoor air during the dry, cold winter months; humidify home to at least 40%
-Avoid excessive or aggressive skin washing
-Moisturize the skin often.
-Use mild cleansers. Traditional soaps may worsen itching.
-Treat dry skin as in eczema with soak and seal.
-Limit bath/shower time.
-Avoid hot water — increases itching.
-Shower/bath with lukewarm water.
-Limit the use of soap only to intertriginous or oily skin areas.
