ECG Leads placement and their deflection on paper

ECG Lead placement. The diagram below shows a heart and the direction of the resultant electrical vector. Below it, the 12 leads are shown as typically appear on an ECG tracing. The three limp leads, the three augmented limp leads, and the six precordial chest leads....

Widened, Regular, monomorphic QRS

A 60-year-old male in the hospital. He can talk coherently and is complaining a sudden onset of lightheadedness. He is AOx3 and coherent. HR = 175 beats/min and his blood pressure is 120/62 mm Hg. Rhythm strip shows a widened, regular, monomorphic QRS. What is the...

ECG Rhythm

“Identify the basic rhythm, then scan tracing for prematurity, pauses, irregularity, and abnormal waves. • Check for: P before each QRS. QRS after each P. • Check: PR intervals (for AV Blocks). QRS interval (for BBB). • If Axis Deviation, rule out...

2nd Degree AV blocks

The difference between the three types of 2nd degree AV blocks and the first degree AV block is that in every single type of 2nd degree AV block, the electrical activity from the atrial passing through the AV node eventually becomes completely blocked so that it...